Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Mindfulness: taking time out for you

A great TED talk here from a guy called Andy Puddicombe about how we can bring meditation into out lives. It just takes 10 minutes a day! For me I often feel I don't have time for meditation. This video tells of Andy Puddicombe's story and gives a few tips about how to appreciate life, the present moment and how to make time for those ten minutes a day.

Mindfulness and being in the present moment is essential for the martial arts practitioner. Martial arts training can be really good at bringing us into the moment. Thinking of nothing else. There is nothing else, just the technique. Just the breath. Just the movement. No thought or at least a clear and alert mind. No thought I suppose is brain death! In this video Puddicombe highlights that mindfulness is about stepping back, with a "relaxed, focus mind". Nothingness can be a void…next step: sleep!

This constant training in the martial arts helps to relax and focus.

Sunday, January 13, 2013

KJK Annual Gathering 2013

For many years now, we have had an Annual Gathering of students who consider themselves part of my school, the Kyushojitsu Kenkyukai (or, KJK for short).  Credit for the origins of our Annual Gathering lie with Matt Hayat and Mark Gridley (so, ongoing thanks and gratitude go to them).

This year's gathering is scheduled for March 15-16, in Madison, WI.  We will engage in in much of the training that characterize our practice, including, body mechanics, randori, pressure point theory, tuite.  We will also have amazing instructors, including Grandmaster Dustin Seale, 9th dan.  Two special features this year: first, Sifu Miles Coleman will do a session on herbs (many of us use his iron palm formula).  Second, there will be a special session on the use of the sai.  If you have never trained sai-jitsu with me, you will be amazed at how the weapon is to be used.

For more information and to register, go to this link http://kjk-karate.com/

Also, for those eligible for sandan testing, be certain to fill out the test registration form at the kjk website.  Remember, the cost for the test is $300 for the first attempt, and $50 for subsequent testings.  Questions about testing can be addressed to me.

So, this time I can say, not only "Go train" but also, "Come train."  Hope you can join us.


Wednesday, January 2, 2013

New Year, new resolutions...

Exercise more this year…But is it worth it?

This BBC article claims that not everyone appreciates what level of activity or how often they should be doing exercise in order to see health benefits.

It also touches on Jamie Timmons' research into high intensity 3 minute weekly workouts. (Can three minutes of exercise a week make you fit?).

Whatever the health benefit I know I'll be back to a regular workout regime this year...because I like it.