Wednesday, December 12, 2007

Why a sword ban could be beneficial to Martial Artists

Ok, so I've just scanned through this article:
which outlines that that the ban is on cheap "imitation blades which can be bought over the internet for as little as £35. "

Surely this is a good thing? This may assure a market within the UK of good quality blades for martial artists? How many times have you seen people with a crappy, cheaply made set of swords on a stand proudly displayed...? Why!? As ornament?
I thikn the the down side is that prices may go up. I do like practicing with a blade, but if I was forced by monetary constraints to practice with a bokku-to, then I would (and I have been in the past).

Snipped from article: "We recognise it is the cheap, easily available samurai swords which are being used in crime and not the genuine, more expensive samurai swords which are of interest to collectors and martial arts enthusiasts."

The govt knows there is a special case to be made for martial artists and collectors and we hope there will be adequate provision in legislation.

I am , however, slightly concerned when I read:"Under the proposals, the government will ban the import, sale and hire of Samurai swords from April 2008."
Does that mean places like Nine Circles (or other bona fide MA outlets) will be restriceted in the import of weapons? I guess not if they are making provision for we "enthusiasts" :-)

In another article outlining the impact on a retailer..."Blades-UK has an age verification system, and Mr Taylor (Blades' MD) says he does not sell to anyone under the age of 18. " But I don't think that age verification is enough is it? Surely some affiliation to a MA club could be asked for?

I am cautiously welcoming the proposal. As Faye Goodman remarked:"I am concerned. It depends on the small print. Martial artists using swords begin with a wooden one, progress to a blunt weapon and finally start using a razor-sharp blade."

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