Tuesday, April 6, 2010


HOME TOWN: San Diego (originally from New York City)
TYPE OF DISABILITY: Polio at age two – paralysis of the right leg
AGE: 62 years young!
OCCUPATION: Accountant
PERSONAL: Widow. Two daughters.
MAIN STYLE OF MARTIAL ART: Tae Kwon Do, adapted for my personal abilities. (My brace has special design features which makes it a formidable weapon.)
CURRENT RANK: 1st Degree Black Belt / Certified Instructor (Special Needs & Physically Challenged Classes and all levels)
TIME INVOLVED IN THE MARTIAL ARTS WITH A DISABILITY: 18 years of formal training. A lifetime of interest in the Martial Arts.
WEBSITE: www.familykarateusa.com and www.familykarate.usa.com
OTHER ACTIVITIES: Musician (Singer and rhythm guitar for The Jack Fate Band)
CONTACT: mcats1235@att.net

Marty has been involved with Martial Arts thru the Physically Challenged class of Family Karate in San Diego for 18+ years. She lost the use of her right leg from Polio at the age of two and have used a brace from the age of five. It took her eleven years and two tests to achieve the rank of Blackbelt. She qualified to become an Instructor several years ago and teach the Challenged class, and on occasion the regular classes as well. The Physically Challenged class is offered free of charge and is very popular. Please check out her websites at: www.familykarateusa.com and www.familykaratepq.com.

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