Friday, September 10, 2010

I get questions about Chi

I got a question from Christa, she wrote, Good morning Master Thomas. I was wondering if I could bother you for your take on what chi is. I didn't believe in it before I started martial arts and I dont want the wrong belief in place of no belief...

This is how I answered:
Well... The word chi has many meanings, so there is no one definition possible (for example, in Japanese "gen-ki" refers to physical health). But here are some ways I think about it:

First, the word chi is equivalent to the word prana, is equivalent to the word ruach, is equivalent to the word pneuma, is equivalent to the word spiritus, all of which mean breath, all of which mean spirit, and all of which could mean the animating principle of life. So, the word chi-gung means "breath work", and, in its basic form, it is (just) a series of breathing exercises.

If we speak in terms of physics, we say (E=MC[squared]) that everything is just energy. Even what we call matter, is just energy. Particles are just energy. To put it in non-scientific language, everything is made of light.

Now, when I reach my hand out to grab a glass, I am moving and directing energy by conscious intent. When I slow my breathing down, or meditate, or calm down an intense emotional state, or work up emotional agitation, I am manipulating energy by conscious intent.

We also believe that it is possible to move energy around in the body by conscious intent, and even to consciously extend energy beyond the apparent material boundaries of our bodies. And this we refer to using the term chi-gung.

Personally, when I do chi-gung, I bind it to my spiritual work (and here I mean "spiritual" in the religious sense). I don't have time or inclination to practice a breathing exercise, then practice an energy-mind-intention-projection exercise, then engage in a spiritual discipline like contemplative prayer. So, I incorporate a traditional breath-prayer in my chi-gung and try to accomplish all these things at once. This works well for me.

And I got a question from Dave, who wrote, How do you explain chi to christians? I am one but some of the "brouthern" think Im headed to you know where thanks for any help

This is how I answered:
Personally, I simply talk about energy from a physics perspective. Everything is energy, even what we call "matter". So, if I reach out my hand to touch someone, I am moving energy by conscious intent. We know that energy also radiates out bodies in the form of light (mostly infrared, but some visible light as well), radio waves, microwaves, em-fields, etc. In the martial arts, we simply believe that it is possible to direct some of these radiating energies by conscious intent, as well.

Then, I emphasize that the practice of chi does not involve call upon any false gods or spirits for assistance, or putting faith in any other God but God.

But, mostly, I just allow people to see my faith and my faithfulness. If they choose to be narrow-minded I cannot change that. If they choose to judge me, well, they are not my judge, before my own Master I will stand or fall (and stand I will, for He will make me stand [Rm 14]).

Hope this helps a bit.

Today I will be studio answering questions on video blog. I expect them to start posting right away (even though I will be in France teaching – see you soon, Jean-Paul).

Thanks for reading.

Now, go train!


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