Saturday, March 14, 2009

Forms and their kicks

I read recently an interesting point put forward by Vince Morris in a book 'Karate Kata Applications' (Vince Morris and Aidan Trimble, Ebury Press) how the traditional kata don't incorporate many kicks which are widely practiced in modern karate such as roundhouse kick, reverse roundhouse, axe kick or back kick.

I thought, for fun, I'd run through the Korean forms to document which kicks are included. As I've discussed previously these are based on Japanese and in turn Okinawan forms.

Kicks used in Tang Soo do Hyungs
Pyung Ahn Cho Dan: No kick.
Pyung Ahn Ee Dan: Yup chagi, ahp chagi. (Side kick, front kick)
Pyung Ahn Sam Dan: Pahkeso ahnero chagi (Outside to inside kick.)
Pyung Ahn Sa Dan: Yup chagi, ahp chagi. (Side kick, front kick, knee strike.)
Pyung Ahn O Dan: Pahkeso ahnero chagi. (Outside to inside kick.)
Bassai: Yup chagi. (Side kick.)
Naihanchi Cho Dan: No kick.
Naihanchi Ee Dan: No kick.
Naihanchi Sam Dan: No kick.
Sip Soo: Pahkeso ahnero chagi (depending on the style of Tang Soo Do)

Morris further states that developing new forms with other variant kicks may be beneficial. 

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